How To Make Cold Email Introductions That Benefit All Parties...

Automate Double Opt-In Cold Email Networking Introductions And Referrals & Without The Time And Effort

What You Get With The PleaseIntroduce.Me™ Software...

It has:

1. Prewritten introduction emails, so that you don’t need to spend time writing them yourself
2. Automated introduction request emails, so that you don’t need to gather details about the asking party which means puts obligation on referral requester to provide the relevant information to make a referral
3. Automated emails for you approving referral request from you network
4. Automated permission request emails, so that you don’t need to wait for permissions to make an introduction, which means the objection of referred to accept.
5. Automated introduction emails connecting the requester and referral that get delivered from a no-reply email address so you don’t get stuck on CC or reply-all after the introduction is made and no moving to BCC is required 6. A list of referrals requested, referrals approved and referrals confirmed, so that you can keep track of your introductions to see who has requested referrals, who you have approval and who has accepted referrals
6a. Analytics of number of Referrals Requested, Referrals Approved and Referrals Confirmed
7. Facility for the receiving party to give you feedback on your introductions so they only get sent relevant once in the future
8. Second opt-in’s email address not revealed to the referral requester so that their privacy is respected and cannot be contacted without your approval or their confirmation which mean true double opt-in

It also has:

1. A unique referral URL for each user to share their referral request link via email
2. A unique referral URL as QR code for each user to share their referral request link on fliers, business card etc
3. Customer support, so you can get help when you are stuck, which means all your technical issues will be solved
4. Free software updates for the life of your subscriptions, so you have access to the latest technology, which means your ad searching and ad planning will be optimized
5. On-boarding software training, so you know how to use the software, which means you can start searching straight away

The act of making cold email introductions that benefit all parties could not be easier, simpler, quicker or more private.

Took a lot of time lot of custom coding and time to build.

But now I have it, the software makes double opt-in networking introductions and referrals easy, simply, quick, private and secure to benefit all parties to it.

How The PleaseIntroduce.Me™ Software Stacks Up...

Feature PleaseIntroduce.Me™ Manual Email Introductions
Double Opt-in Introductions
Single Opt-in Introductions
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Data Encryption
Manual Request Research Required
Prewritten introduction emails
Automated introduction request emails
Automated approval emails
Automated permission request emails
Automated introduction emails
Receiving Party Feedback
Email Address Privacy For Receiving Party
A unique referral URL
A unique referral URL as QR code
Customer support
On-boarding software training
Introductions Per Month Unlimited Unlimited

How The PleaseIntroduce.Me™ Software Works...


The requester fills out of the form below


In the live version, before that final introduction email is sent, you get a email asking to to approve the refferal by in putting the email address of the receipient:


That approval sends the request to the recipient for them to accept or deny:


If the recipient accepts, the final intorduction email get sent to all with you BCC'ed (test the demo above to see this).

If the recipient rejects, nothing happens, but they have a prompt to give you feedback on the types of referrals you make so you can send ones that get accepect more in the future.

Test A Demo Of The PleaseIntroduce.Me™ Software...

This is the view the person asking you for a referral sees.

Please Introduce Me...

Go on, test it, by filling it out and clicking the "See If They Want To Meet You Also!" button!

You will recieve the final introduction email into your inbox you so can see what the person asking you for a referral and the recipient sees as you are BCC'ed into it.